Police Communications/Fire Equipment Dispatcher Trainee

Do you want a job where you can make a huge difference in people’s lives and in your community? Interested in learning more about dispatching emergency services to people in need? Want to earn a salary of over $40,000 per year? Get free training leading to employment as an emergency services dispatcher! Got a diploma? You’ve got options!

NAME:  Police Communications Trainee

WHAT: Train to become an emergency call dispatcher for Philadelphia’s police and fire departments.

WHERE:  Philadelphia

PROGRAM/CLASSES: As part of employment, free emergency call training provided to complete certifications as a Call Taker and an Emergency Dispatcher as issued by the Pennsylvania Emergency Management Association (PEMA).

TIME COMMITMENT:  On the job training.

COST:  Free training and certifications provided as part of employment.

REQUIREMENTS:  High school diploma. 18 yrs old and older. Ability to understand and speak English fluently. Pass a criminal background check. Must be a resident of Philadelphia.


NOTE:  Bilingual candidates highly encouraged to apply!

2nd NOTE: This opportunity is available for a limited time only. Please apply ASAP if interested.

“In an emergency what treatment is given by ear? Words of comfort.” – Abraham Verghese