Become a Real Estate Agent

Do you like working with people? Interested in learning more about the housing market? Want to help families find home sweet home? Becoming a real estate agent is a great move! Got a diploma? You’ve got options!

NAME:  There are numerous places where you can take Pennsylvania Real Estate Agent Pre-Licensing Courses. They are an inexpensive way towards pursuing a fantastic career, and can be completed in weeks. Some opportunities include:

WHAT: Courses that will provide you with the means to pass your Real Estate Licensing Exam to become a real estate agent in Pennsylvania.

WHERE:  Online & live class options

PROGRAM/CLASSES: Real estate fundamentals & practices

TIME COMMITMENT:  Only 75 hours of training

COST:  $300 – $600

REQUIREMENTS:  High school diploma. 18 yrs old and older. Pass a criminal background check.

FOR MORE INFO: Click on the following websites:

NOTE:  After completing the 75 hours of pre-licensing courses, candidates must pass the real estate licensing exam. which costs approximately $100 – $300 and then must pay to activate their license which costs $200 – $400.

“When one door closes, buy another one and open it yourself.” — Anonymous