Become a Jeweler Apprentice

If you’re a hands-on person looking for a hands-on career, if you love jewelry and are interested in a career where you can learn the jewelry business from the ground up, Signet Jeweler’s jeweler apprenticeship may be for you. Got a diploma? You’ve got options!

NAME: Signet Jeweler’s Jeweler Apprenticeship

WHAT: Learn customer service, administrative/clerical tasks, photography of jewelry, and the basics of jewelry repair.

WHERE: Apprenticeships located in states throughout the country, including Pennsylvania and New Jersey

PROGRAM/CLASSES: Training program designed to teach jewelry business from the ground up.

TIME COMMITMENT: 40 hr work week, includes nights, weekends & required seasonal overtime

COST: Free! Paid, on the job training.

REQUIREMENTS: Some knowledge of jewelry or jewelry repair/design preferred but not required.


NOTE: Jeweler certification classes provided to enhance your bench skills. Tuition reimbursement and merchandise discounts also provided.

“Each day is a gem, different in kind, size, and color, and yours to polish!” – Carolanne Reynolds