Hearing Aid Specialist Training

Did you know you can prepare to become a hearing aide specialist and prepare for your licensing exam in as little as 3 – 6 months? The Hearing Aid Specialist career is a field that is rapidly growing, and the average salary is over $50,000 a year! If you’ve got a diploma, you’ve got options. Check out these two online training programs:

NAME: Hearing Aid Academy & International Hearing Society’s Distance Learning Course

WHAT: Hearing Aid Specialist Training

WHERE: Online courses will prepare you for your licensing exam

PROGRAM/CLASSES: Learn how to interview the patient, test the patient’s hearing, analyze test results, diagnose hearing loss, select the appropriate hearing instrument, fit and dispense hearing aids to patients, & more.

TIME COMMITMENT: Self-paced; average student takes 6 months.

COST: $$ Very reasonable considering how quickly a student can move into a well-paying career.

REQUIREMENTS:  H.S. Diploma; Other requirements may apply depending on the state you live in. Please contact the programs for details.

NOTE: Programs have alliances with employers who are anxious to interview students nearing graduation.


“The flood of sounds, noises, and voices which suddenly break into the consciousness of the person who has not heard them for years is very much like the first impact of direct sunlight on a person who has lived in a dungeon.” – Attributed to Sidney Blackstone

Aviation Maintenance Technician

Are you good with your hands? Interested in flight? Good with electronics? Looking for a salary that averages over $65,000 a year? Aviation Maintenance Technicians are an employment opportunity that is expected to grow about 12% within the next 10 years. If you’ve got a diploma, you’ve got options. This might be the field for you!

NAME:  Aviation Institute of Maintenance’s training programs

WHAT: Learn knowledge and skills to become an aircraft mechanic

WHERE: 3001 Grant Ave, Phila, PA 19114

PROGRAM/CLASSES: Trained to service, repair, and overhaul aircraft components and systems, including the airframe, piston engines, turbine engines, electrical systems, hydraulic systems, propellers, instrumentation, warning and environmental systems.


COST: $$$ Varies on location and program chosen.

REQUIREMENTS:  High school diploma

NOTE: The Aviation Maintenance Institute offers 8 different careers in aviation maintenance, including the following: aircraft mechanic, aviation maintenance technician, aircraft technician, aircraft restorer, helicopter mechanic and more.

FOR MORE INFO: Click here.

“Whenever everything seems to be going against you, remember that the airplane takes off against the wind, not with it.” – Henry Ford

TAIA’s Affordable Electrician Training Program

Are you interested in becoming an electrician? Want a job where you can work with your hands and have steady employment? Looking for a career training program that’s affordable? If you’ve got a diploma, you’ve got options. TAIA’s Electrician Training Program may be a great fit for you. Located here in Philly!

NAME:  TAIA’s Electrician Training Program

WHAT: Learn electrical basics, tools, circuits, etc. Learn to repair or replace residential & commercial wiring. Learn to install lighting, appliances, alarm systems, identify electrical problems and read blue prints.

WHERE: 6328 Paschall Ave, Phila, PA 19142

PROGRAM/CLASSES: 3 courses, teaching theory and hands-on electrical skills

TIME COMMITMENT: 10 weeks per course

COST: $600 for courses 1 & 2. Pay as you go.

NOTE: Hybrid of online classes for theory and in person for hands-on experience. Access to a computer and printer is required.

FOR MORE INFO: Click here.

“Electricity is really just organized lightning” ― George Carlin

Zurich North America Apprentice Program (Insurance & Business Administration)

A high school diploma is all you need to get started for many fulfilling careers. Are you interested in insurance and getting a free associate’s degree in Business Administration? Zurich’s free apprentice program may be a great opportunity for you.

NAME: Zurich North America Apprentice Program

WHAT: Learn about commercial insurance, business, & risk management.

WHERE:  2000 Market St, Philadelphia, PA

PROGRAM/CLASSES: Virtual coursework & job rotations in Philadelphia office


COST: Free apprenticeship and earn tuition-free associates degree!

REQUIREMENTS:  Must have diploma and one or more years of work experience, as well as strong customer service skills.

NOTE:  Program combines targeted virtual coursework with the Borough of Manhattan Community College in New York.

FOR MORE INFO on Zurich’s free apprenticeship program, click here.

“I had to make my own living and my own opportunity. But I made it! Don’t sit down and wait for the opportunities to come. Get up and make them.” – Madame C.J. Walker

Become a Firefighter

A high school diploma is all you need to get started for many fulfilling careers. Did you know you could become a firefighter explorer while still in high school?

NAME: Philadelphia Firefighter

WHAT: Train/Learn to become a Firefighter.

WHERE: Philadelphia Fire Academy is located at 5200 Pennypack St, Philadelphia, PA 19136

PROGRAM/CLASSES: Students must receive a high enough score on their Civil Service examination to be invited back for a training program at the Philadelphia Fire Academy.

TIME COMMITMENT: 9 month training program; 6 month probation period

REQUIREMENTS: For Philadelphia residents ages 18 & up with a high school diploma. They must also have a driver’s license, pass a medical examination and pass criminal & background investigations.

NOTE: Graduates of this program typically have starting salaries over $50,000 per year and can eventually make over $70,000 per year.

FOR HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS!: Philadelphia Fire Explorers is a program for teens ages 14 – 20. They meet every other Saturday and learn about fire science, emergency medical services (EMS), disaster relief, emergency management, and military-related training. Students who enroll in this program receive points towards their Civil Service examination! To learn more about this program for teens, click here.


“Aspire rather to be a hero than merely appear one.”- Baltasar Gracian.

Tech Training

A high school diploma is all you need to get started for many fulfilling careers. Did you know you could start training to become an entry level IT specialist without a degree? Philadelphia is a great place to get started in tech training.

NAME: IT Works

WHAT: Train/Learn to become an IT specialist

WHERE: Locations in Philadelphia, PA, Wilmington, DE, & Las Vegas, NV ( for Philadelphia students, classes are located at Peirce College, 1420 Pine St, Philadelphia, PA 19102)

PROGRAM/CLASSES: PC hardware, troubleshooting, IT networking, security, etc.

TIME COMMITMENT: 16 week program (11 weeks training + 5 week internship) 9 – 3pm, M – F, spring & fall classes


OTHER: For students ages 18 – 26 with a high school diploma.

NOTE: This program offers 100% internship placement. 75% of students are employed within 6 months.

FOR MORE INFO: Click here. and scroll down the page.

“I think it’s fair to say that personal computers have become the most empowering tool we’ve ever created. They’re tools of communication, they’re tools of creativity, and they can be shaped by their user.” – Bill Gates

Soaring to New Heights

A Career in Aviation

A high school diploma is all you need to get started for many fulfilling careers. Did you know you could start training to become a pilot without a degree? Philadelphia is a great place to get started in a career in aviation.

NAME: Legacy Aviation

WHAT: Train/Learn to become a pilot.

WHERE: 9800 Ashton Road, Philadelphia, PA 19114

PROGRAM/CLASSES: Private Pilot, Instrument Rating, Commercial Pilot, Multi-Engine & more

TIME COMMITMENT: Students can enroll in daily classes, or choose class times that are manageable with a work schedule. Length of program varies per class.

COST: $$$. But, students have the opportunity to receive tuition reimbursement through Piedmont Airlines, offering up to $11,000 in tuition reimbursement and financing is available.

VISIT: Want to try it out? Take an introductory flight lesson for just $95.

NOTE: Becoming a pilot requires many hours of study to pass difficult exams. Students should expect to work very hard to earn their licenses. Pilots tend to be goal-oriented people. The best pilots tend to be people who can stay calm during stressful situations. They like the idea of traveling to new places.

FOR MORE INFO: Click here.

“When once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward, for there you have been, and there you will always long to return.”
– Leonardo DaVinci